nursing student working with sim doll
Academic Programs

Health Sciences

这一研究领域将科学和健康服务结合到许多致力于改善医疗保健行业和为患者提供优质护理的职业领域, no matter the population. 你可以在许多不同的健康科学职业领域改善个人和公共健康. In addition, 健康信息技术课程为个人提供处理的知识和技能, analyze, abstract, compile, maintain, manage, and report health information.

While you are awaiting application to a program, 请向学院提出申请,并开始参加预科课程,以增加你的候选分数. Here’s a link to all of the information you’ll need.

Associate Degree Nursing

The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program provides knowledge, skills, and strategies to integrate safety and quality into nursing care, to practice in a dynamic environment, and to meet individual needs which impact health, quality of life, and achievement of potential.

成功通过国家委员会执照考试(NCLEX-RN)的课程毕业生可以作为注册护士进入就业. The ADN program at Brunswick Community College, located in Bolivia, NC获得护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的认可。.

LPN to ADN Transition

我们的三个学期的课程是为寻求提高他们的技能和资格的lpn量身定制的. 通过课堂教学和实践临床经验的结合, 你将在现有知识的基础上发展成为一名注册护士所需的专业知识. See full program description and apply here.

Nurse standing in front of a paramedic emergency vehicle

Paramedic to ADN Bridge

该课程允许有经验的护理人员在完成该课程后的三个学期内获得护理副学士学位(ADN) NUR 215 course. 个性化的发展途径允许护理人员以最少的重复他们已经学习的技能和知识来获得ADN. Applicants must be a current Paramedic.


Emergency Medical Science

急诊医学课程为学生提供相关知识, skills, 作为一名护理人员,为进入紧急医疗系统的重症和急诊患者提供先进的紧急医疗服务,并为毕业生进入劳动力市场做好准备.

本课程的毕业生可能有资格参加州和/或国家认证考试. Employment opportunities include emergency medical services, fire departments, rescue agencies, hospital specialty areas, industry, educational and government agencies.

Health Information Technology

健康信息技术(HIT)课程为个人提供处理的知识和技能, analyze, abstract, compile, maintain, manage, and report health information.

Students will supervise departmental functions; classify, code, and index diagnoses and procedures; coordinate information for cost control, quality management, statistics, marketing, and planning; monitor governmental and non- governmental standards; facilitate research; and design system controls to monitor patient information security.


health information technology accreditation seal

哈工大项目的应用副学士学位截止到2028年.  For inquires about the program’s accreditation status, contact CAHIIM at 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 5100, Chicago, IL, 60601; (312) 235-3255;

Practical Nursing

实用护理(PN)课程为学生提供为儿童和成人提供护理的知识和技能. 学生参与评估,计划,实施和评估护理.

成功通过国家委员会执照考试(NCLEX-PN)的课程毕业生可以作为有执照的实用护士进入就业. Employment opportunities include hospitals, rehabilitation/ long term/home health facilities, clinics, and physicians’ offices.

The PN program at Brunswick Community College, located in Bolivia, NC获得护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的认可。.

ACEN seal

nursing student working with sim doll

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